Some Info about me

My name is Adrienne Breech, and i am 23 years old. I am a double major at the University of South Alabama. I am a Secondary Education/Science major. My love for teaching is the reason why i chose this profession. I also have a great passion for science. I always wanted to know how things worked and where it came from. I think i would want a sixth or seventh grade biology class because i feel they will be at the age where they really want to learn. I look forward to being a teacher

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Classroom

When I become a teacher I want my classroom to be the class that every student is eager to go to. I have always wanted to be that type of teacher that my students can relate to and that they will be able to take what they have learned from my classroom and use it throughout their lives. I have one teacher that I will never forget and she was my second grade teacher, i still go and ask advice from her. I want my students to feel comfortable to ask questions about life changing situations like i do her. I hope when I become a teacher that students can grow to love.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


As a teacher in schools today you have to understand the cultures and diversity of your classroom. As a teacher I plan to incorporate diversity into my lesson. I don't want a student to feel left out because I can't relate to them. I want to have an understanding of every student and their ethnic backgrounds because as a minority and being bi-racial I had to deal with teachers who really couldn't relate to me. I don't want to become that teacher that can't understand where my students are coming from. As a teacher I want my students to feel comfortable with me to talk about personal things such as their culture and divers ethnic backgrounds. I open this personal strive with open arms. I am so excited to be a teacher where I can help my students understand them selves as well as their peers.

My Teaching Philosphy


I feel as a teacher you should have standards for all your students. You should use positive reinforcement. Find what your students love about your lessons and capitalize on that. Every students will be different and that will be my motivation for my students to all do well in my class.

Being Fair

As a teacher i will do my best to be fair to all my students. There are too many teachers now and days that are very biased an really can't relate to their students. It will be my personal strive to make sure that i am fair to all my students and listen to everyone's opinion.


As a Secondary teacher you will learn how to have tolerance of certain things. But in my classroom there will be a zero tolerance or cheating. I feel like every student should be motivated enough to study and do their own work. Having a zero tolerance policy will be the best rout to go in my eyes.

How blogs help in teaching!!

As a up and coming teacher I feel it is important for parents to keep up with what thier child is doing in school during the week. Now with that being said i do understand that some people don't know how to use a computer and that is ok. I wasn't the best at using and finding blogs before this class. When i do become a teacher i will try to stress to the parents that its not that hard, and if they don't understand then I will try to help them. Blogs is the new newsletter that teachers use to send home every week. I feel like bloggin is much easier than tryin to get out news letters everyweeek and making sure the parents recieved it and if they understand what we are doing for the week. I think in using blogs the parents can see for themselves what is going on in the class room and can e-mail the teacher if they don't uderstand something, or if the student misses a day of school they can get on the blog site and see what they have missed. I am all for new technology and hopefully everyone can warm up to it like i did.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why are Science Teachers so important?

I feel that science is needed to understand everyday life. If you don't know about your body or any other thing that has to do with science you would look at the work very different. Science in school has made if possible for students to understand things about life, where they live and their surrounding. I love science and as a future teacher i will try to make teaching science fun. I feel that you need to have a teacher that will engage you with the lesson he/she is trying to teach so the students will not get lost. Science could be fun and i plan to make it fun